Oh teenagers! These years are filled with so much excitement, fun and oh, so much drama. Teenagers face very real self-image issues and our goal at Dalanhese Orthodontics is to give your teens the confident smile, healthy bite, and ideal facial balance that will help them feel the confidence they need to succeed.

Dr D. can relate to all teens. Regardless of personality type—they all have a place at Dalanhese Orthodontics. Our goal is to make sure your teen feels comfortable enough to be themselves while in our care.

So, bring us your unique teen and we’ll take care of the rest. We’ve even got a massage chair with your name on it. It’ll be the best 20 minutes of your day.


Metal/Clear Braces
There is a reason that the bracket and wires are still the most common form of braces for teens. Though they may seem outdated don’t let those little metal squares fool you—there is a lot of science and technology behind them which provides a precise method for straightening teeth. Back in the day, these braces could be uncomfortable and cumbersome—not anymore! The latest technology makes them slimmer, more precise, and comfortable—with endless color choices to fit your teen’s personality.
If metal is not your teen’s preference, then clear ceramic braces might be. This option gives your teen all the advantages of metal braces, with the added luxury of being less noticeable when you talk and smile—and just like our metal braces, there are many color options.
Clear Aligners
At Dalanhese Orthodontics, your aligners can be ready the same day you come for your initial consultation. No more waiting 4-8 weeks to get started, your improvements begin immediately. That’s the Dalanhese difference.
Clear aligners are a series of nearly invisible aligners that move teeth to their ideal position—so you don’t have to interrupt your life to get that perfect smile! The aligners can be removed to eat, brush and floss and they can be removed for social events, such as weddings or family pictures. This technology continues to improve every year, so more and more patients are becoming candidates for clear aligners.
Lingual Braces
Truly invisible braces—sounds too good to be true right? But technology has now allowed us to create a way to invisibly transform smiles. Lingual braces resemble metal bracket braces but are attached to the back side of your teeth. You may think at first that this would be rather annoying and even somewhat painful, but in fact they are quite the opposite. A majority of the patients who have these braces experience little to no discomfort and absolutely love their invisible braces

965 E 700th S. Unit 101, Saint George, Utah 84790


Right Next To Harmons On River Rd.

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